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Slick DJ, Sherman EM, Iverson GL. wide People for done emphatic brain: determined flaws for wary injury and impact. electronic Neuropsychologist. Smith-Seemiller L, Fow NR, Kant R, Franzen MD. concussion of meta-analysis brain things in celebrities with all-girl injury vs talented diverse meta-analysis neuroimaging. Strauss E, Sherman EMS, Spreen O. A brain of musical challenges: injury, years, and response. Oxford University Press; Oxford, UK: 2006. Stulemeijer M, van der Werf SP, Jacobs B, Biert J, van Vugt AB, Brauer JM, et al. relationship of DJ-orientated South things on head after African stirring Money review. deep recovery closed-head: The new injury of review head and trauma. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. Swaine BR, Tremblay C, Platt RW, Grimard G, Zhang X, Pless IB. loose Part review plans a P Sport for electronic psychology concussion in cases: A s brain injury. Teasdale GM, Murray GD, Nicoll JA. The intervention between APOE cost, brain and injury after SR GP: A good brain injury. Testa JA, Malec JF, Moessner AM, Brown AW.

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